SELECT t.table_schema, t.table_name FROM tables AS t
LEFT JOIN key_column_usage AS c
ON (t.table_name = c.table_name AND
c.constraint_schema = t.table_schema AND
c.constraint_name = 'PRIMARY' )
WHERE t.table_schema NOT IN ("mysql", "information_schema",
"performance_schema", "sys")
AND c.constraint_name IS NULL
AND t.table_type = "BASE TABLE";
And if you want to make life even easier, you can add this as a report to the sys schema:
CREATE VIEW sys.schema_tables_without_pk AS
SELECT t.table_schema, t.table_name FROM tables AS t
LEFT JOIN key_column_usage AS c
ON (t.table_name = c.table_name AND
c.constraint_schema = t.table_schema AND
c.constraint_name = 'PRIMARY' )
WHERE t.table_schema NOT IN ("mysql", "information_schema",
"performance_schema", "sys")
AND c.constraint_name IS NULL
AND t.table_type = "BASE TABLE";
It is easy to detect but a little more challenging to solve. You need to consider your application and potential load when adding a new primary key. One solution is to add a new auto_increment column. In many cases this might help already. In other cases you already have a natural primary key in your table definition, It's just not defined as such.
To add auto_increment columns to all affected tables (which I do not recommend without thinking about it and testing first!), you can use the beauty of the Python mode in MySQL Shell:
$ mysqlsh root@localhost:33060 --py
MySQL Shell 8.0.16
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Type '\help' or '\?' for help; '\quit' to exit.
Creating a session to 'root@localhost:39010'
Fetching schema names for autocompletion... Press ^C to stop.
Your MySQL connection id is 762 (X protocol)
Server version: 8.0.16-commercial MySQL Enterprise Server - Commercial
No default schema selected; type \use <schema> to set one.
MySQL localhost:33060+ ssl Py >l=session.get_schema("sys").get_table("schema_tables_without_pk").select().execute().fetch_all()
MySQL localhost:33060+ ssl Py >for val in l: session.sql("ALTER TABLE "+val[0]+"."+val[1]+" ADD COLUMN (__id int unsigned auto_increment PRIMARY KEY)");
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